With an inclusive and intersectional feminist stance (which takes into account the interaction of several discriminations), Les Volumineuses gives space and visibility to people who are subject to multiple discrimination due to their gender, ethnic origin, physical situation, religion or spirituality, sexual orientation, social class, etc. Their objective is to highlight gendered artists through micro festivals which are held two or three times a year in different towns in the capital. Each edition has its own program, location and atmosphere. Shows , activities , concerts and DJ sets are organized there.
With an inclusive and intersectional feminist stance (which takes into account the interaction of several discriminations), Les Volumineuses gives space and visibility to people who are subject to multiple discrimination due to their gender, ethnic origin, physical situation, religion or spirituality, sexual orientation, social class, etc. Their objective is to highlight gendered artists through micro festivals which are held two or three times a year in different towns in the capital. Each edition has its own program, location and atmosphere. Shows , activities , concerts and DJ sets are organized there.
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